Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Everybody wants to hide from zombies at Costco

I think this is a question that sees down into the heart of a person, tells who they are really and weather they will survive. The question is "Where do you go when the zombie hoards come?" Now I have discussed this at length and many times with my friends and the consensus often times is Costco for the food, fuel and castle like impregnability. I've heard colleges and high schools and cabins in the woods and I am wondering what you all think about were you would go, why is it a good to go there. This segment will be ongoing as it is generally a hot topic of debate.

{image via flickr}

1 comment:

  1. I think Costco would be a bad place to go, because you know the vast majority of people would go straight to any government building. once there the people will see the government has lost control and can't help, then the real panic will kick in and people will start going in to survival mode and raid every build with food and supplies and start killing each other for that supplies. and pretty sure Costco would be a hot spot.
